The evolution of human started from an ape, When this apes started to stand upright it made this hominids ‘ hands free to make and use tools. Then came the more developed hominid, known as Homo habilis (meaning “handy human”). This hominid had a larger brain and used basic tools like handy axes. They ate mainly vegetables, but used tools to cut their food.
Homo erectus (meaning “upright human”) was a more advanced hominid with a bigger brain than Homo habilis. They developed different tools to do specific jobs. They lived in Africa for more than a million years before they started to move to the other parts of the world. They did this because they could walk upright and their bigger brains made it possible for them to adapt to any environment. They were the first to use fire. This is evident by the burnt areas of clay at sites in Kenya. Some pieces of burnt bones in the Swartkrans caves in South Africa suggested that hominids were eating cooked food.
People who looked like modern humans developed about 120 000 years ago. They are called Homo sapiens (meaning “wise human”). They lived in cave and made shelters using wood and animal skins. They used fire, and were very good tool makers and hunters. They were able to talk to each other, and so language started to develop. They had a regular supply of meat, which they could digest easily because it was cooked. Because of this they became physically and mentally stronger.
Finally fully developed modern humans developed. They are called Homo sapiens sapiens. They created smaller tools and made wooden handles for some of their tools. They used stone-tipped spears which improved their hunting and made their diet to become better. Those who lived in the coastal areas ate fish, seals, dolphins, seabirds and shellfish. There is evidence that they used red ochre powder for painting. This shows that they were developing new way to express themselves.
Homo erectus (meaning “upright human”) was a more advanced hominid with a bigger brain than Homo habilis. They developed different tools to do specific jobs. They lived in Africa for more than a million years before they started to move to the other parts of the world. They did this because they could walk upright and their bigger brains made it possible for them to adapt to any environment. They were the first to use fire. This is evident by the burnt areas of clay at sites in Kenya. Some pieces of burnt bones in the Swartkrans caves in South Africa suggested that hominids were eating cooked food.
People who looked like modern humans developed about 120 000 years ago. They are called Homo sapiens (meaning “wise human”). They lived in cave and made shelters using wood and animal skins. They used fire, and were very good tool makers and hunters. They were able to talk to each other, and so language started to develop. They had a regular supply of meat, which they could digest easily because it was cooked. Because of this they became physically and mentally stronger.
Finally fully developed modern humans developed. They are called Homo sapiens sapiens. They created smaller tools and made wooden handles for some of their tools. They used stone-tipped spears which improved their hunting and made their diet to become better. Those who lived in the coastal areas ate fish, seals, dolphins, seabirds and shellfish. There is evidence that they used red ochre powder for painting. This shows that they were developing new way to express themselves.
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