Saturday, September 11, 2010



Some people think that the history of South Africa does not go back very far, but they are wrong. We have the oldest history in the world. Proof of the first “human-like” creatures is found in Southern and East Africa. There is evidence that suggest human life began in Southern Africa and then spread to the rest of the world! No wonder there is such creative energy here! In this section we are going to look at how modern humans gradually developed over millions of years from hominids, or “human-like” creatures.
Over the time human body has changed quite a lot. Evolution is the theory that tries to explain how simple how simpler forms of life “evolve “to become more complex. We do not know everything about human evolution. But we do know that human-like hominids first emerged from the ape family about 5 million years ago. These creatures were more ape-like than humans and lived in the open. Over millions of years they learned to walk upright and developed bigger brains.

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